Call apex page from javascript , referer

I wanted to check whether apex is called from a browser session by entering an url or from an internet application. The command I wanted to use is: owa_util.get_cgi_env(‘HTTP_REFERER’); This command returns the (parent) url. However, when the apex application is called by using javascript ( this command wil return Read more…

Dynamically change theme-style

I wanted to change dynamically the style of the theme of my application so you could easily see if you are running the application in development, test, acceptance or production. One solution is of course to add a global variable to the title of the application and fill this variable Read more…

Generate action after closing dialog

You have a page and call a modal page. In that modal page you insert/delete or do something and you want the parent page to refresh. Add dynamic action on parent page which reacts on event Close Dialog Add process in modal page (Close dialog)

Remove X from dialog page

Sometime you want to force users not ‘just’ to close the dialog by a ‘x’, but by a button with some actions in the background. To remove the X you have to add CSS-code in the parent page: button.ui-button.ui-corner-all.ui-widget.ui-button-icon-only.ui-dialog-titlebar-close { visibility: hidden !important; display:none; }

Download from database

htp.init; — The mime header indicates what the type of the file is (browser will react on that) owa_util.mime_header(r_bfe.filetype, false); — use Content-Disposition: attachment to open a dialog box or inline to open in place htp.p(‘Content-disposition: attachment; filename=’||r_bfe.filename); htp.p(‘Content-length:’||dbms_lob.getlength(r_bfe.content) ); owa_util.http_header_close; — Write the BLOB to a browser session ( Read more…

Remove HTML-code

Removing/finding HTML-code using regular expressions: SELECT regexp_replace(name, ‘<.*?>’)  name_without_tags FROM table WHERE regexp_like(name, ‘<.*?>’)